I just wanted to post a really quick development update about the upcoming carbonOS 2021.1: We’re almost there!
Thanks to Fosshost, I’ve been able to set up some of carbonOS’s basic infrastructure over the last few days. We now have a Discourse instance up and running, as well as the basic repo. I’ve also published an early snapshot of the 2021.1 ISO, which you can download and try from here. I’m still working on a real release process, but for now I have temporary GPG keys up and can manually push content up.
I’m also finishing up work on carbonOS’s initial setup. This week I implemented the network selection screen. Now that Setup can get you online, the next step is to implement the timezone selection page. After that, I’ll be putting some finishing touches on the OS itself, updating all the packages, and making a release!
This was a really quick view into my progress over the last week. I plan on posting more detailed development updates as large developments occur. I’ve also just started my second year at university, so please be patient with my progress. carbonOS has evolved drastically from its first release (way back when), and I’m really excited for you guys to try it out. Expect a release announcement in the coming weeks. Anyway, that’s all for now!